Monday, May 22, 2023

Resource Editor Ostriv

 Hi All,

I have made a new Resource Editor Tool for Ostriv

It is early version. Let me know if you face issues.

It can do following:
  • Find storage buildings (warehouse, granary, camp storage, well, trading post, trading port, hay barrack)
  • Set stone and limestone rock values to desired(and maintain)
  • Edit farm / stone mining camp resources.
  • Edit resource in individual building.
  • Maintain resource to given value.
  • Clear individual resource in a building (set to 0).
  • Set capacity for each building.
  • Add resources to a building.



Updated to 1.50915a
  • Updated for Alpha 5 patch 9 hotfix 15
Updated to 1.5043o
  • Updated for Alpha 5 patch 4
  • Optimize search - Parrallel search is now much faster
  • Added new info for showing what is being maintained and where
  • Show charts for resources. Also, added option to save charts.

    • To show timeline double click on any resource in "Resources" group in Storage details window.
    • It shows history of resource for 5 mins. Note: in case game is paused the tools keeps on recording the data as it can not detect if game is paused.
  • Some Crash fixes reported by users.
  • Limit CPU usage.

  • Show trends of resources in storage (in case resources are changing quickly).
  • Show all rules for resource maintainance.

Updated to 1.5032c
  • Updated for Alpha 5 patch 3
  • Add setting for QuickScan. This significantly reduces scan time but some buildings may be missed. In that case disable this setting and try again. If still a building is not found save game and exit. Exit tool also and try again.

Updated to 1.5020d
  • Add a new info windows that displays total amount of resources stored in Storage buildings.
    This is helpful to see how much total does village/town has. Also you can search which resource is present in which buildings and how much.

    Storage Details

  • Support for adding resources that has life time.
    Some resources has life time as introduced in alpha 5. These resources can only be added correctly if the life time of these is know. The tool can only know the life of these reource if a builing that is storing these resources is added to tool. Also, initiialy the tool will guess the life and in that case the status will be RED.  Once the tool guesses the status will be YELLOW. It turns GREEN when the life is known. The two circles are for two kind of resources (Veggies and meat).
Resource Life known status

  • Update to work with alpha 5 patch 2.
  • The list of resources and buildings is now sorted.
  • This is a test build, so may have issues. Many new things got added in game and i had to change the mechanism. Please report back any issues.
  • Previous max storage limit has been increased to 10 times.
  • NOTE: Sometimes UI will be messed up or no update will be shown. Just do a maximise/restore operation on window to fix it!

Updated to beta 0.91
- Update to work with alpha 4 patch 7 hotfix 5

Updated to beta 0.9
Add auto resource maintenance in buildings. For this you need to have an entry in user settings like below. Click on "Automation" button at the top to open settings.

Updated to beta 0.8
- Added Apricot, Apple, Cherry, Garlic, Horseradish, Marrow, Peas, Pumpkin
- Fixed searching for alpha 4 patch 7

Updated to beta 0.6
- Added sheep hides, sheep skin, wool, broadcloth
- Fixed bug in maintaining resources.

Updates in beta 0.5.
- Fixed issue caused by Ostriv alpha 4 patch 4 update.

Updates in beta 0.4.
- Farms can add water and hay.
- Set default storage capacity for buildings that gets applied when a building is found after search.
- Set default amount of resources that are maintained in a building. This setting needs to be applied manually every time a new search is done or new game is loaded.

Note: beta 0.4 creates temporary files. So it is advised to put the tool in a separate folder. the files it will create (and deleted on exit) are:
- x64/Sqlite.interop.dll - library required for saving user settings
- Ostriv_resoure_editor.exe.config - this is required to save window position
- Ostriv_Resource_Editor.userpref - this file is a database file that saves default capacities of building and resource amounts.


1. Select a building and do search.
2. After search, select building from drop down list to view and change resources.
3. Minimum value to set is 1.0
4. Minimum value to maintain is 300.
5. Min/Max capacity of granary and warehouse is 20,000/200,000 & 10,000/100,000. 
    - For camp storage it is 7000/70000
    - For trading post it is 25000/250,000
    - For trading port it is 15000/250,000
    - For hay barrack it is 1000/10000
    - For well its is 5000/50,000. (Although may not be relevant)

Note: Please remove the building from tool before demolishing the building in game. If not removed, it may cause tool/game to crash.

Finally, if you enjoyed the trainer, you can help me in maintaining it by donating some amount  for my efforts to my PayPal account (you might need to create an account :), here:  DONATE HERE.

Download links

                 : Ostriv Resource Editor beta 1.5043o
alpha 5 patch 5  : Ostriv Resource Editor beta 1.50501b
alpha 5 p5 hf 5  : Ostriv Resource Editor 1.50505a
alpha 5 p6 hf 1  : Ostriv Resource Editor 1.50601a
alpha 5 p7 hf 1  : Ostriv Resource Editor 1.50701a
alpha 5 p8 hf 1  : Ostriv Resource Editor 1.50801a
alpha 5 p8 hf 2  : Ostriv Resource Editor 1.50801b
alpha 5 p8 hf 3  : Ostriv Resource Editor 1.50803c
alpha 5 p9 hf 2  : Ostriv Resource Editor 1.50902b ( password - ostriv150902b )
alpha 5 p9 hf 6  : Ostriv Resource Editor 1.50906a ( password - ostriv150906a )
alpha 5 p9 hf 15 : Ostriv Resource Editor 1.50915a ( password - ostriv150915a )


  1. Hey there. I don't know if its just on my end or what, but there was a minor update that seems to make it not work anymore. But it was excellent work and well done I appreciate your work! Cheers.

  2. Thanks for your hard work. We are looking forward to the update.

  3. This tool looks cool, is there a video of how it all works somewhere?

  4. What are the chances of you updating your Ostriv trainer ,Hope you do ....Thanks

  5. Hello! I would love an update for the trainer! Thank you for your great work!

  6. Thank you for your excellent work. We follow your update. Ostriv alpha 5 now.

  7. Hi there, first of all thank you for the great work :)
    can you help me solving issue i'm facing when using the tool ? the issue is the game status on the bottom is stuck on scanning, so the "find building" cannot be clicked. before it was doing well, and suddenly its doing that. again, thanks for the work you put into this tool, it helps me a lot to build :)

  8. Thank you. Unfortunately version 1.50505a does not work, the latest version of the game alpha 5 patch 6 hotfix 1.

  9. Is it going to be updated as its no more working

  10. new version of the game alpha 5 patch 8 hotfix 1

  11. Hi, sorry, the editor always open bigger than my screen, and I have no way to resize it, so some options are always outside my view. Is there a way to resize it?

  12. Is there a way you can create some of these options as a file to be placed in the games directory somewhere. Even if it's just a replacement file? I would like to be able to keep storage amounts up even without using this program.

  13. does not work for me, i click scan i get to stage 4/7 adn it goes grey, nothing showing upin any windows at all game is Alpha 5 patch 8 (ver

  14. stops working when trying to change any resource values, game alpha 5 patch 8 hotfix 7

  15. It seems you have a lot going on Vinay. Would it be possible to teach and provide the program you use to keep the resource editor alive?

  16. First of all, well done with the tool. It's great if you just want to have some fun with Ostriv and not spending days to have progress. But as YoYoMan already pointed out, especially at this stage of the game it seems it's impossible as an individual to keep up with all the patches provided. Did you ever consider to open source it and put it on Github or Gitlab so that more people can contribute? Thanks for your work!

  17. Cannot download version 50803c as it violates Google's Terms of Service

  18. It would be cool to be able to increase people/cart/wagon walking speed.

  19. I only complain since I donated.
    Even the final patch is not working. Same crashes when modifying values.

    Fucking game, why doesn't it have an option to increase storage space by default?

  20. I got an error when clicking the button to get here :

    ---------- EXCEPTION ----------
    System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception (2): An error occurred trying to start process '' with working directory 'C:\Users\andre\Desktop\Ostriv Editor'. The system cannot find the file specified.
    at System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithCreateProcess(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
    at System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(ProcessStartInfo startInfo)
    at Ostriv_Resource_Editor.MainWindow.OnBtFeedBackClick(Object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
    at System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised)
    at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
    at System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ButtonBase.OnClick()
    at System.Windows.Controls.Button.OnClick()
    at System.Windows.Controls.Primitives.ButtonBase.OnMouseLeftButtonUp(MouseButtonEventArgs e)
    at System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs.InvokeHandler(Delegate handler, Object target)
    at System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised)
    at System.Windows.UIElement.ReRaiseEventAs(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args, RoutedEvent newEvent)
    at System.Windows.RoutedEventArgs.InvokeHandler(Delegate handler, Object target)
    at System.Windows.EventRoute.InvokeHandlersImpl(Object source, RoutedEventArgs args, Boolean reRaised)
    at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseEventImpl(DependencyObject sender, RoutedEventArgs args)
    at System.Windows.UIElement.RaiseTrustedEvent(RoutedEventArgs args)
    at System.Windows.Input.InputManager.ProcessStagingArea()
    at System.Windows.Interop.HwndMouseInputProvider.ReportInput(IntPtr hwnd, InputMode mode, Int32 timestamp, RawMouseActions actions, Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 wheel)
    at System.Windows.Interop.HwndMouseInputProvider.FilterMessage(IntPtr hwnd, WindowMessage msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled)
    at MS.Win32.HwndWrapper.WndProc(IntPtr hwnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam, Boolean& handled)
    at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.InternalRealCall(Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs)
    at System.Windows.Threading.ExceptionWrapper.TryCatchWhen(Object source, Delegate callback, Object args, Int32 numArgs, Delegate catchHandler)

  21. finds nothing, game alpha 5 patch 9 hotfix 10 (ver. Thank.

  22. Yeah, it doesn't work with last build alpha 5 patch 9 hotfix 10, as posted above, the tool doesn't find anything when searching.

  23. honestly i would wait with patching this tool for Alpha 5. since the devs have said they hope to release Alpha 6 at the end of January.

    if you update the tool to patch 5.9 now, its almost guaranteed to be broken when patch 6.0 drops within the next 10 days.
